
How to remove locale emulator
How to remove locale emulator

how to remove locale emulator
  1. How to remove locale emulator apk#
  2. How to remove locale emulator android#

# remove the leading '#' to uncomment lines The Screengrabfile is written in Ruby, so you may find it helpful to use an editor that highlights Ruby syntax to modify this file. Since most values will not change often for your project, it is recommended to store them there.

how to remove locale emulator

Running fastlane screengrab init generated a Screengrabfile which can store all of your configuration options. To enable it for all screenshots by default, make the following call before your tests run: tDefaultScreenshotStrategy(new FalconScreenshotStrategy(activityRule.getActivity())) Falcon may work better than UI Automator in some situations and also provides similar benefits as UI Automator:įalcon requires a device with API level >= 10. tDefaultScreenshotStrategy(new DecorViewScreenshotStrategy()) Īs of screengrab 1.2.0, you can specify a new strategy to delegate to Falcon.

How to remove locale emulator android#

If you need to grab screenshots on an older Android version, use the latest 1.x.x version of this library and set the DecorView ScreenshotStrategy. However, UI Automator requires a device with API level >= 18.

  • Multi-window situations are correctly captured (dialogs, etc.).
  • Shadows/elevation are correctly captured for Material UI.
  • The newer strategy delegates to UI Automator which fixes a number of problems compared to the original strategy: Improved screenshot capture with UI AutomatorĪs of screengrab 0.5.0, you can specify different strategies to control the way screengrab captures screenshots.
  • Your screenshots will be saved to fastlane/metadata/android in the directory where you ran screengrab.
  • You will be prompted to provide any required parameters which are not in your Screengrabfile or provided as command line arguments.
  • Once complete run fastlane screengrab in your app project directory to generate screenshots.
  • How to remove locale emulator apk#

  • You can also create a lane and use build_android_app:ĭesc "Build debug and test APK for screenshots".
  • gradlew assembleDebug assembleAndroidTest
  • You can create your APKs manually with.
  • Then, before running fastlane screengrab you'll need a debug and test apk.
  • how to remove locale emulator

    To capture screenshots, add the following to your tests Screengrab.screenshot("name_of_screenshot_here") on the appropriate screens It won't work like this:Ĭompanion object localeTestRule = LocaleTestRule() If you're using Kotlin localeTestRule = LocaleTestRule() If you're using Java static final LocaleTestRule localeTestRule = new LocaleTestRule() Configuring your Manifest PermissionsĮnsure that the following permissions exist in your src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml Ĭonfiguring your UI Tests for ScreenshotsĪdd LocaleTestRule to your tests class to handle automatic switching of locales. If you wish to capture screenshots with an older Android OS, then you must use a 1.x.x version. This means a device with API 18+, Android 4.3 or greater is required. Gradle dependency androidTestImplementation 'tools.fastlane:screengrab:x.x.x'Īs of Screengrab version 2.0.0, all Android test dependencies are AndroidX dependencies.

  • Fully integrates with fastlane and supply.
  • Keep your screenshots perfectly up-to-date with every app update.
  • You only need to configure it once for anyone on your team to run it.
  • Easily verify that localizations fit into labels on all screen dimensions to find UI mistakes before you ship.
  • Create hundreds of screenshots in multiple languages on emulators or real devices, saving you hours.
  • how to remove locale emulator

    Screengrab generates localized screenshots of your Android app for different device types and languages for Google Play and can be uploaded using supply. Alias for the capture_android_screenshots actionĪutomated localized screenshots of your Android app on every device

    How to remove locale emulator